Cleaned village Vusanje

Cleaning action in Lubnice and Kurikuce in order to celebrate 5th June – World Environment Day
June 5, 2016
North Land supported the Action of cleaning Jasikovac
July 3, 2016
Cleaning action in Lubnice and Kurikuce in order to celebrate 5th June – World Environment Day
June 5, 2016
North Land supported the Action of cleaning Jasikovac
July 3, 2016

The objective of this activity was to contribute to the improvement of tourist facilities of the region. Mobilazing residents in this action we believe will improve the level of environmental awareness and awake the desire to preserve the natural beauty of the region, which are abundant.
Support for the action gave the Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije who are engaged as a consulting agency to North Land, as well as representatives of the Municipality of Gusinje.
This action is just one of the activities that are implemented in the municipalities of Berane, Andrijevica and Gusinje, as part of the mobilization of rural communities in caring for their environment, which is funded by the Commission for Democracy of the US Embassy in Montenegro for 2016.