A knowledge quiz was held for secondary school students from Berane

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Yesterday, the “Panto Mališić” Junior High School held a knowledge quiz in the field of ecology, organized by the NGO Sjeverna zemlja. The quiz was attended by students from “Panto Mališić” Junior High School, “Dr. Branko Zogović” Senior Medical School, “Vukadin Vukadinović” Senior Vocational School and Junior Vocational School. The knowledge quiz is one of the activities in the “Select, because you can do it” project, which is implemented by the NGO Sjeverna zemlja.

Three first and nine consolation prizes are awarded

First prize lap top Anel Memic
Second prize tablet Valentina Kuburović
The third prize is a smart watch by Aleksa Janičić

The project is implemented within the framework of the ReLOaD2 program, which is financed by the European Union and implemented by UNDP. ReLOaD2 in Montenegro is implemented in 15 municipalities, among which are Berane and Andrijevica, which form the “Together for the North” cluster.