Workshop to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations

Awarded Scout group
October 20, 2016
ANNOUNCEMENT: Implementation of the project “Mobilization of rural communities in caring for their environment starts”
November 23, 2016
Awarded Scout group
October 20, 2016
ANNOUNCEMENT: Implementation of the project “Mobilization of rural communities in caring for their environment starts”
November 23, 2016

Representative of the NGO “North Land” took part in a workshop in Istanbul, which was intended to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations, along with representatives of other organizations from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Turkey and Montenegro, which was organized by WWF Turkey. The workshop is organized within the project “Civil society advocates for environmentally sound socio – economic development (CO – SEED), which WWF Turkey, in addition to the NGO Green Home is implementing together with partner organizations: Association Dinarica – BiH, INCA – Albania, Society for Bird Protection and Study Serbia – Serbia, while the advisory role of the project partners has WWF Adria.
That workshop focused on raising the skills of civil society organizations when it comes to advocacy and lobbying. Also during the workshop participants finalized the analysis of national stakeholders involved in the decision-making processes in the field of environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic assessment of environmental impact (SEA) as well as national media analysis.